This is comic strip showing the daily interactions of a moonbat and a wingnut. Moonbat is a bit liberal, and wingnut is a tad conservative, so they don't get along as well as they could.
The strip is meant as a satire of the political debate in this country. All we hear are the opinions of the extreme left and the extreme right. They like to yell inflammatory remarks at each other, and there is no actual discussion of the issues.
I did my best to see if anyone else had come up with this idea first, but I didn't find anything. If you did, and I missed you, let me know. I'm saying this here because when I first got the idea, I thought that someone had to have done this already.
I went with Blogger to publish this comic strip because of the convenient organization here, but mostly because it allows anyone to comment on each strip. So feel free to leave comments. I'd like to mention how glad and surprised I was that this blog URL was still open. I'm not sure what else I could have gone with.